OTA's Transit Day at the Capitol is an opportunity for transit agencies and advocates to spend the day meeting with legislators and talking about how additional investments in transit help benefit our communities. Please join us for this important event as the legislature considers a transportation funding package.
10:00AM-12:00PM - OTA Board of Directors (open to all members) - Cherriots Courthouse Square Senator Hearing Room (555 Court St NE, Salem). Also available virtually (register for link)
12:00PM-1:00PM - Hosted Lunch and Legislative Briefing with OTA Leadership and Government Affairs Team - Cherriots Courthouse Square Senator Hearing Room (555 Court St NE, Salem). Also available virtually (register for link)
1:00PM-5:00PM - Legislative Appointments - State Capitol (900 Court St NE, Salem). In-Person Only.
5:00PM-6:30PM - Watch Joint Committee on Transportation - State Capitol (900 Court St NE, Salem). Also available virtually.
- 1st Registration for OTA Member Agencies - FREE
- Additional Registration for OTA Members - $25